//1±Σ2SCHEDULE SE (Form 1040) 1989≥ Attachment Sequence No. 18 Page 2▌≥-O▌≥ =SSN:▀πC1*▀DπC2*▌≥=O▌SECTION B. Long Schedule SE▌≥-O▌A. If you are a minister, member of a religious order, or Christian Science▌ practitioner AND you filed Form 4361, but you had $400 or more of other▌ earnings subject to SE-tax, continue with Part I and check here≥. [ ]▀Nεß
∩▌ ▌B. If your only earnings subject to self-employment tax are wages from a church▌ or other organization exempt from filing employer social security taxes and▌ you are not a minister, skip lines 1-3c and go to line 5a.▌≥=O▌PART I - Figure Social Security Self-Employment Tax▌≥-O▌ 1. Net farm profit or loss≥.%1.|▀Eεß∩▌ 2. Net non-farm profit or loss≥.!2.|▀Eεß∩▌ 3a Enter amount from line 1 or Part II, line 11≥.3a.|▀Eεß∩▌ b Enter amount from line 2 or Part II, line 13≥.3b.|▀Eεß∩▌ c Add lines 3a and 3b. If under $400, do not file Sch SE≥ |▌ unless you are an employee of an electing church≥.3c.|▀Eεß∩▌ 4. The largest amount subject to social security tax≥.4.|▀Eεß∩▌ 5a Total social security wages and tips≥
▌ and railroad retirement compensation≥.5a.|≥ |≥#
▀7ß▌ b Unreported tips subject to social security |≥-|≥#
▌ tax or to RRTA tax≥.5b.|≥ |≥#
▀7ß▌≥ 2≥-|≥-
▌ c Add lines 5a and 5b≥.(5c.|▀Eεß∩▌ 6a Subtract line 5c from line 4 (If zero or less, stop)≥.6a.|▀Eεß∩▌ b Medicare qualified government wages from≥ ≥-|≥-
▌ worksheet in the instructions≥.6b.|≥ |≥#
▀7ß▌ c W-2 wages of $100 or more from an electing |≥-|≥#
▌ church or other organization≥.6c.|≥ |≥#
▀7ß▌≥ 2≥-|≥-
▌ d Add lines 3c and 6c≥.(6d.|▀Eεß∩▌ 7. Enter the smaller of line 6a or line 6d≥.7.|▀Eεß∩▌ 8. Rate of tax≥.18.| x .1302▌ 9. Self-employment tax. If line 7 is $48,000 enter $6,249.60. |≥-
▌ Otherwise, multiply line 7 by line 8 and enter the result. |▌ Also, enter this amount on Form 1040, line 48≥.9.|▀Eεß∩▌≥=O▌PART II - Optional Method to Figure Net Earnings (see instructions)▌≥-O▌10. Maximum income for optional methods≥.10.|▀Eεß∩▌11. Farm optional income≥.'11.|▀Eεß∩▌12. Subtract line 10 from line 9≥.12.|▀Eεß∩▌13. Non-farm optional income≥.#13.|▀Eεß∩▌≥=O▌AM Software H838≥ #Schedule SE (Form 1040) 1989≡//2±Σ2▌▌▀SE-2▌▌▌▌▀πC1*▀DπC2*▌▌▌▀Oß